MasterMech said:BB if your implying that the "Honda Clones" coming from Chinese manufacturers are the same quality as the genuine article then I have to disagree. They might stamp the valve covers the same shape and copy the rest of the externals for appearance but after hundreds of hours (they seldom make it to thousands) in the field, the differences become very apparent.
Never made any quality claims. And I defy anybody to find where I have ever implied anything rather that just saying it. ;-) Just stating how they stole the designs and got away with it. But I am enjoying all of the China quality bashing. It is deja vous all over again. When I was growing up everything that is being said today about the quality of Chinese stuff was being said about stuff made in Japan. Word for ever loving word. Next came South Korean stuff. Same drill. Then you wake up one morning and it is the greatest quality stuff on the planet.
BTW: My genuine made God knows where Honda GX270 on my big generator sure is doing a lot better with the new $14 made goes knows where carb on it.
I ain't gonna be around long enough to run anything thousands of hours. :lol: