New To The Forum/Just Picked up a Fisher

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[] New To The Forum/Just Picked up a Fisher
[] New To The Forum/Just Picked up a Fisher

So i finally got her cleaned up and i lit her up outside today to burn off the smell of the stove paint. Once the box got good and hot i decided to pull the damper shut to see how much she would smoke, wow, is it common for these stoves to smoke that much ?? She was rolling !!
There's a reason they earned the nickname Smoke Dragons. With mods they can be made to burn cleaner.
There's a reason they earned the nickname Smoke Dragons. With mods they can be made to burn cleaner.

Yea i heard that a few times on here.. haha.. it was blowing 30+ today outside so i know that didn't help.. however the radiant heat was felt several feet away so she should heat up the house well
Any stove, EPA Certified or not is going to smoke when not connected to a chimney.
Once the chimney is hot, the rising gasses make a low pressure area in the connector pipe and stove. Atmospheric air pressure PUSHES into the intake to mix with flammable gasses coming out of the wood. If the chimney is too strong, you close the damper to control the draft. Closing the damper without a chimney (that causes the air to rush in) starves the fire of oxygen causing it to burn rich, cool down and smoke like crazy. It will be nothing like that connected to a chimney and burned correctly.
Any stove, EPA Certified or not is going to smoke when not connected to a chimney.
Once the chimney is hot, the rising gasses make a low pressure area in the connector pipe and stove. Atmospheric air pressure PUSHES into the intake to mix with flammable gasses coming out of the wood. If the chimney is too strong, you close the damper to control the draft. Closing the damper without a chimney (that causes the air to rush in) starves the fire of oxygen causing it to burn rich, cool down and smoke like crazy. It will be nothing like that connected to a chimney and burned correctly.

Thank you sir for that tidbit ! Very Informative
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