not to blow my own horn, but i do virtually all of the refurbs that AMFM sells personally, and im easy to find should a question or issue arises.
the "customer wrench work" point that was made is entirely correct, we do not offer in home service as part of our warranty, but i do have an excellent staff which can guide you through virtually any issue you may encounter, should a part turn out to be defective i will UPS it to your door instructions included, should you wish you could call my service department when the part arrives and myself or one of my techs will walk you through the replacement. members also have the added perk of being able to
pester me (kidding)

contact me through the forum as well.
should one prefer a service person, though its not covered i know a guy with a pretty good rep who i believe may be in your area ( my "shameless plug"check the author of post #10)
anyway should you decide to go with an ESW product from AMFM , let me know as i will be the one prepping the stove FWIW looking at your initial post i would go with the EP unit. i would really consider a stat as well though with the space you describe i would shop in the aftermarket for one with an adjustable "swing temp" we have one which has it but its the remote and kinda pricy, the wall mount doesn't have a swing temp adjustment and in the space you have to heat with the stove i'd be afraid it would fast cycle when it gets quite cold (hard on the igniter) the "22" is too much stove IMHO for your space as well and it and the "10" do not have "on-off stat function. anyway, if you do go with andy over at AMFM let me know ahead of time, i'll make sure you have a great stove coming to you