new stove acting up help!

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I would hope they would help you. There are a large company, just talk to a manager tell them whats been going on and try to be nice, but let them know you tried many things and are tired of it. most big stores like that have a 90 day policy.
I had the same dilema but mine would stay running but just short of dying out after a great first day, even set on higher levels. I tried a lot of things over a day or two and then I pulled the auger again and cleaned everything well and then sprayed the auger with a dry film lubricant and buffed the inside of the auger tube with it as well. Done both 3-4 times and re assembled. I theorized it might have had some factory oils in this assembly originally so it was worth a try it is still going with no problems since. I did file and clean up some burrs on the auger that last time, particularly one on the tip of the last flute before it drops the pellets, it had a nasty grinding job to bevel the end but it was ground the wrong direction and rolled up a nasty burr to rip on the pellets just before they fell. The build up of ash below the chute was from what I think was the grinding of pellets into a ton of fines instead of them flowing through the auger and just dropping whole. Mine still accumulates some but takes longer than before, I think they come out of the bags now. I am trying the TSC pellets now to see if this helps, so far so good. What i determined was causing low flame was the pellets were just wrapping around the auger and not moving along it, just wrapped up and going around in circles with minimal through put and a lot of what did go through was getting ground up and destroyed so as not to make good fire building material. My dealers stove has no fines laying on the floor of the chute by comparison so I think there is some polishing goes on with a little time as well. My first ton came from his same stock. So ??? No problems since. A lot of extra fines on the chute is always a sign of chewed up pellets or ones with heavy fines included.
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Mine is last years model with the side controls, but they are the same inside mechanically, I looked at one like yours today

(broken image removed)
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Give me a ring, I sent my number in a conversation message, better not leaving out here on the net for ever
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about anytime, I am up and goin by 7 so anytime after that is good
This makes perfect sense roberrt. Because i do remember commenting and saying something was wrong with all that build up behind the burn pot. Now that i think about it i get alot of fines down my chute but nothing like you guys do.
Yes now that he says this i think for this is my problem. But for as much as i spent on it dont think i should have to do all that after a month of burning. Im going to see if tractor supply will let be return it. Then if not guess im digging in to the auger.
I don't blame you, it is an hour job if you have to do it though. Have to remove the two screws that allow you to pull the intake air tube out and then two more allow you to pull the auger. I also used some high temp grease on my bushings since I have read of some cases of very early failure. In the end it is worth a try since your install probably is tied to a thimbal location on your wall. I also think the guys that have great luck with these, probably are using a pellet that gets along well with this auger by nature. I say an hour but with a cordless screw gun you could cut it in half. I think these TSC pellets would have never caused a problem they feed so nice compared to the 4 ton of easy heat premiums I have stuck myself with.
I'll have to look at them better this eve. They are maybe no longer but much more consistent looking and less broken up
Think i got it figured out. I did not have exhauste pipe from pellet stove sealed up good. So was sucking air in and messing up the exhauste flow. We will see if its still running when i get home from work. Hope thats all the problem was.
That makes no sense since the exhaust is under POSITIVE PRESSURE.
When the fire goes out, do you have a pile of unburned pellets in the fire box? If no, then you're not feeding enough pellets for a number of reasons. If yes, then your burn air is insufficient. That would be my first two places to look since E3 means you never reached a high enough temp to turn on the room blower.
im 99.9% its been the auger the entire time. After talking with Doug Doty about his problem. And adter the little playing around with it this AM i did before leaving for work. And in unburned pellets in pot when fire goes out.
I was having some 10 second on cycles set on high that the auger was running and I had nothing drop other than ground up pellet crums as opposed to the dealer demo dropping pellets pretty consistently so I decided it was auger based. I got the tune up ideas offline from someone else. If you decide to polish up the auger, remember the pushing side of the flutes do all the work. Don't hesitate to try diff. Pellets, some burn great but your auger might not like em.
Doug. Can you post photos of the step by step repairs. Id like to check mine
Sorry, no pics but I did go back and edit my post of what I done with more details. I'd have to take it all back apart to take pictures !! Maybe if I am in there again.
im 99.9% its been the auger the entire time. After talking with Doug Doty about his problem. And adter the little playing around with it this AM i did before leaving for work. And in unburned pellets in pot when fire goes out.
It sounds like you have unburned pellets in the pot when it goes out, so why would you try to put more pellets in the pot???????? You're not burning the pellets you have, which means you don't have enough air flowing through the pot. You should be looking at why that is! Plugged exhaust path, vacuum leaks, air bypassing the burn pot holes, etc.
IMHO you are barking up the wrong tree.
Is there a chance something is wrong with the computer? Where is it working right when it wants to.
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