I wanted to share my new project. I finally got that old Grizzly stove from a neighbors grandmother. It's in pretty rough shape rust wise. But it's such a neat, cool old stove, I just can't help myself.
So I'm wire brushing the the entire thing with an attachment I bought for my cordless drill. When I finish knocking the surface rust down, I will coat it with Naval Jelly to kill the rust and then paint with high-temp flat black. Every square inch of the exterior is pitted, nothing I can do about that, and I'm not going to grind it down smooth for various reasons. But I think I'll be happy with it once I'm done...for what it is.
There is precious little information on the web about these old stoves. The few that are out there are at this forum, and a couple other small posts here and there. So I thought I would post a thread here about it and track my progress and include some pictures from time to time. Maybe it will help somebody else someday.
This stoves manufactured date is 9/79
It's the "Blazer" model Grizzly
Pretty rough, lots of rust. Been sitting in a basement for probably 20 some years.
The inside of the doors have little brackets, like for holding glass. And then on the outside there is a fine, wire mesh....I guess for looks. But somebody removed the glass and put in these really thin, handcut pieces of tin/sheet metal...like really thin. Some edges of the tin have a fold on it. I almost wonder if they didn't cut the metal from an old appliance or something. A friend of mine works at a steel mill and I'm going to ask him to get me a couple pieces of good, thick steel that will fit. Maybe eventually, I'll get glass.
Appreciate any advice. But you can keep the "you're wasting your time/don't bother/smoke dragon" comments to yourself, thank you. I've read enough around here to know what I'm getting myself into.