ok here we go here are some pics:
PB and oil boiler:
The red circulator you can see in the pic is a 3 speed design and is my "overheat zone". The plumbing comes out of the top of the PB and goes up and over into the front of the Oiler. The aquastat on the front of the oiler is the only one you can see and runs the only circulator(can't see it in this pic) for my heat zone.
This picture is the output of the Oiler, which goes up out of that T, past the expansion tank and to the large black metal pipe that goes to the radiators. The big ass iron thing to the right of it used to have plumbing connected to it that went to my DHW tank, but that's been removed. I have no DHW running off a boiler.
This picture is just another shot of that big ass cast iron thing, I'm going to call it a DHW coil for lack of a better term. You can see the cold water fill enters the system at the bottom of the DHW coil return to the boiler. The green circulator in the picture is the primary circulator for the zone (and only) and it is connected directly to the PB right there in the return line which comes from the return end of the large black metal pipe to the radiators.
Another shot of the big ass cast iron thing. You can see where it was plugged is where the pipe to the DHW tank used to be. Top was hot feed bottom return cold.
This is the model # and specs for the old oil boiler. You can see it is 131BTU gross and only 118btu net. This was when it was new mind you. God only knows how old it is, because he probably installed it.
Here is a close up of what I think is a flow control and the expansion tank. These were never touched during the install of the PB.
This is a picture of the inside cover of the aquastat on the oil boiler. This is the only aquastat in the system other than the one internal to the PB which only controls the PB itself.
These are the setting inside that same aquastat. If you can't tell both settings are turned down as far as they can go. This is the only way I can get my oiler to stop running all the time.
This is a picture of that green Taco brand circulator. This is my main and only circulator for the zone. As in the other pictures it is located directly at the back of the PB, on the return plumbing. If you can't read the model # it is 007-F5 It's specs are HP: 1/25 AMP: .70 HZ: 60 RPM: 3250 Voltage: 115 Max temp: 240deg F.
Here is a pic of the "overheat zone" circulator which is a 3 speed and has it's check valve removed. The bottom left table shows the specs for each of the settings. I am unsure as to what the meant.
Here is a pic of the large black metal T fittings that go off the main loop to and from the radiators. This particular one is a return as you can see the arrow points to the right, which is the way the flow goes.
Here is a pic of one of the radiators. This one is in the bathroom and I believe it to be the smallest in the house. The bathroom is only 6x8. All the radiators are the same basic design, just varying in size.
I hope I have provided enough information, so that you nice folks can help me. Its starting to get cold and I'd like to get this handled. I appreciate everyone's time, thank you for joining me on the tour!!