That is the Eel Weir Dam. That one dam controls the lake level and as Smokey knows, is controlled by SAPPI (formerly SD Warren) a paper mill in Westbrook Maine. The operation of said dam and the levels at which it must be controlled is dictated by a management plan regulated by FERC. Lake levels are a HUGE issue on Sebago right now with some wanting higher levels and some wanting lower levels. SAPPI is in the process of trying to renew it's license to operate the dam and it's getting a lot of attention including the State Legislature. Sorry topic....
Can never please them all.
There are several dams the Eel Weir Canal which is a portion of Cumberland and Oxford Canal that was financed via the formation of Canal National Bank one of predecessor banks to what is now known as Key Bank of Maine NA is one of the outflows it is on the left and on the right is the Presumpscot River and down river not all that far is Casco Bay and the Atlantic Ocean.