DiggerJim said:Maybe he should have taken a class in honesty while he was waiting for his pellet orders. The delays are one thing, the lying, evasions, unanswered calls, etc. are what got everyone all riled up. The delays could have been dealt with, the dishonesty not so much.iceman said:i don't think he is going belly up he just took on more than he could handle and the pellet crunch over the summer early fall set him back even more...
around western mass many stores were sold out of pellets in august and were making lists... now imagine this guy trying to fill orders.... when he was 50 less a ton ... he got smacked..
from when i spoke to him a long time ago, i got the impression that it was only the lady himself and one other even taking the orders... he said this is how he saved everyone money and kept cost down by only having a warehouse (basically someplace he rented for the pellets)
i know if i was one of the people waiting to get pellets i would be pissed as well....(maybe) but had nothing gone wrong he would be a hero... but now that it has he is an azz.... i can only imagine how hard he might be working to get pellets while the other line is ringing ticking someone off cause he isn't answering...
from what i havr read ... yes he could have handled things diff. but that is hindsight, monday morning quarterback etc...he is delivering pellets from what i have read here... obviouslyhe is having a hard time...and he is doing it for the price he quoted..
like i said earlier... see if you can pick them up.. it may benefit you to get together as a group and work something out,... i believe he just can't deliver fast enough as well as the pellet crunch we had over the summer has screwed him...
see if you can get your money back!
i have been on both sides of something like this..
i wonder how the people at pelletsales did ... if they met their promised dates.. just curious
i placed an order for wood in april was told may , was called and told june.... then called and told that they would honor the price but the logging company ran into so much rain state would not let them in the woods .... was told i will not get wood until dec
all this to due demand because oil was so high .. now its 2.30 gallon may people will switch back at these prices which will ease supply
i am sorry for all of you that are pissed and waiting... b ut if you get it for the 210 price he was advertising its a helluva lot cheaper than the 300+ pellets are now