NATE379 said:What do lineman have to do with running a gen set to power MY house? The power company owns from the meter and beyond, the rest is MINE!
Turn off the main breaker, and holy cow, I can power up my house!! WOW!
IF and I say IF I didn't shut the main, do you think a 4K gen set could actually backfeed an entire grid? No, it can't. It loads the gen set too much and it stalls.
AND in any case why is a lineman handling wires without the proper PPE and training?
I am a lineman and a master electrician. Your 4k generator could excite the coil in a transformer and send primary voltage out of the primary bushing. You don't have to backfeed the entire grid if a wire is broken, or a fuse is blown. Maybe you know what you're doing...maybe you don't. Maybe you just think you do.