all good advice, so, knowing all you folks are sitting out there wondering what the outcome would be, I thought I would fill you in....
the homeowner called back today, after getting the bill we mailed to them, and after a fairly long conversation, they deemed they wouldnt pay it OR rectify the issue of the stove in the same flue with two other appliances. Even though it was installed incorrectly, and the igniter was ash covered and would not ignite, they decided that the real fault lay with the dealer in not telling them to clean the igniter, even though its cleary shown on page 25 of their owner's manual (its a p43)....As for the issue of 3 appliances in one flue, and, after telling them its an excessively dangerous situation, we were told that it isnt our responsibility to tell them how to install it (but it IS our responsibility to make sure they read the manual?!), and that "its been like that for 25 years, so it CANT be unsafe...", so, after being told it was none of my business, I had the sad job of informing them that we would no longer provide service for the unit, be it warrantee or not, until it was brought up to code and manufacturer specs, and the previous bill was paid. I did not call the code official, as some of you suggested, since I agree with Craig in his earlier assessment.