Active since 1995, is THE place on the internet for free information and advice about wood stoves, pellet stoves and other energy saving equipment.
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Great. Thanks. I actually talked with the fire marshall a few months back about it. He said as long as we weren't using it as a garage it would be fine.
You guys might have saved some lives here tonight talking me out of this! Happy Thanksgiving!
Great. Thanks. I actually talked with the fire marshall a few months back about it. He said as long as we weren't using it as a garage it would be fine.
You guys might have saved some lives here tonight talking me out of this! Happy Thanksgiving!
The fire marshal isn't the one who will accept or deny an insurance claim if anything happens. I am.just telling you this to make you aware of the risks. I honestly think it's a stupid code but an insurance adjuster could easily use it against you.
The fire marshal isn't the one who will accept or deny an insurance claim if anything happens. I am.just telling you this to make you aware of the risks. I honestly think it's a stupid code but an insurance adjuster could easily use it against you.
In terms of cost of install it's pretty hard to beat a gas fired unit heater hung from the roof. I guess an electric one would be cheaper, but could create quite the electric bill if it was used much.
I was hoping for the wood stove because I have lots of scrap... Free fuel...
And I was hoping to do it on the cheap. A heat pump would probably be the best option for me if I'm not going wood stove. But for the time being - I think a cheap kerosene heater will get me through the winter.
In terms of cost of install it's pretty hard to beat a gas fired unit heater hung from the roof. I guess an electric one would be cheaper, but could create quite the electric bill if it was used much.
There's a possibility of going through the roof. Looking at all these - I'm realizing this is much bigger project than I initially thought.
Would it be possible to vent my little stove out the window just to get through this winter? If I'm going to put something like this in, I'll probably want to get a better/more permanent stove.
Any suggestions for a temporary fix? I saw people on Youtube venting stoves like mine through a window using pellet stove pipe - which was why I started going down this rabbit hole.
Some of the things you see on YouTube aren't put together by professionals. They are more bush fixes, hacks and something that could get you in trouble. Nothing worse then looking something up on YouTube installing it and burning the place down. Your getting quality advice here. This is something you dont rush. You could do a temporary propane space heater for now until you get the right stove and parts..
I have a 350sqft tiny house and a guide gear camp stove... I use that stove to cook on outside only. There is no way I would use it indoors. I have had it for a few years. In the long run the whole stove WILL warp. Very dangerous for inside use. I do heat the tiny house with a wood stove (only source of heat) I use to use a century s244. It done well. It took it a bit to warm inside from a winter's cold start. We had to get up a few times and feed it so that we could have good coals in the morning to easily heat up the tiny house and cook on. I have since replaced that stove with a fisher baby bear wood stove.
The baby bear heats it up faster, overnight burns are alot longer ( usually dont have to get up at night to feed it and there will be good coals to warm and cook on) cooking on it is just better.