Need help identifying firewood.

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I think it is Elm, probably Red Elm. The bark looks like Elm. Color of the wood looks like Red Elm, which is dark like the wood in the pics, but American Elm has a similar brown color.
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Light in weight tells me it's not Ky coffee tree.
Very easy to split tells me it's not elm.
Funny smell tells me:
Light in weight tells me it's not Ky coffee tree.
Very easy to split tells me it's not elm.
Funny smell tells me:
Yes I agree Brewmonster, those three clues lead me to believe it's sassafras too. Sassafras weighs on average 30lb/ft3 which sounds about right. Elm and coffeetree much heavier. Did a little research on the range of sassafras and found this map. This tree was cut just north of that little green circle that's in the north central part of the state so I'd say it was on the fringe of its common range. Thanks guys for all your suggestions-definitely learned a lot.


  • [] Need help identifying firewood.
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