iceman said:
skinnykid said:
well I just got done splitting and stacking for this year. I hope i have enough
I am gonna pray for dry weather until at least I can get some good covers for my stacks.
better pray hard and get your cover our forecast for tomorrow aft =rain next 5 outta 7days rain.... and you are not that far from here......hehehehehehehehe.........."our father ...."
Our father who are in heaven......
I can't decide if I wanna go with clear plastic to let the sunlight in. Black or dark color to attract sun and make heat or just go to walmart and get camo tarps....
Hey another question: my wood is stacked on palletts, the first 3 rows from the bottom up are covered in mud because of the recent pounding rains. So, how can I clean that up and prevent that again?
I said it before, i chose the wrong place to store my wood, under trees (little sun) and not where the breeze flows freely.
Yup, I am a DORK!!