My wife says I love my woodpile more than her!

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[] My wife says I love my woodpile more than her!

[] My wife says I love my woodpile more than her!

[] My wife says I love my woodpile more than her!

Flatbedford said:
My wife loves my wood more than she loves me.
Now thats creative!
Doing The Dixie Eyed Hustle said:

That's the look I get every time I bring another load home. What is behind that expression? You don't spend enough time with me? You could have ____ instead of getting a 25th cord of wood? Probably won't ever figure it out. And if I did, it would have changed by then anyway.
I'm starting to think I have the easiest going wife in the world.

She lets me do any damn thing I please, except maybe to wash her lingerie in with my dirty work jeans. Never had to ask for her approval before buying a tool, but I do run it by her when it's a more personal item, like a $2000 Kevlar canoe. She may balk a little at first, but she'll think about it and usually say something like, "Whatever makes you happy, makes me happy. Just make sure we can still pay the bills." And she never really wants anything for herself. She has modest tastes in clothes and actually gets a bigger kick out of finding cheap second-hand clothes at Sally's than buying some trendy thing from the Gap.

I pick the vacation spots because she really doesn't care as long as she gets to relax some. When she occasionally gets firm on a point, I back off instantly because I respect her and know her and realize how important that particular issue must be. I stay up later than she does, and she always wakes me up with a cup of coffee and a kiss on the forehead before she goes to work. She rubs my aching back after a hard day working outside, and I return the favor by giving her all the sex I want.

I'm gonna send her flowers at work... just because. :)
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