My Very First Wood Stove J.A. Roby (Sirius).

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And I think its just a tax "credit", so it would be "up to" 26%, so if 26% exceeds what you would owe in taxes, at that point you would just pay 0$ tax...would not get refund of the "excess" stove/install costs. Still the best incentive I've seen yet!

It's not "just" a credit, it's a credit - which is good (as in much better than deductions)! However, it is unfortunately not a "refundable tax credit". The latter would have allowed to get the full 26% even if your tax bill was already zero.
See they have you coming and going--they say one thing and you do not get it anyway it seems to me if you do not fall in that bucket of money...It's a crap shoot here--lol...Have you ever got real money back from a stove? clancey
I'd get the break-in fires done soon before it gets too warm.
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Your right begreen but right now cannot wrap my mind around that at this time..I kinda need to do things in a certain way by force of habit and when one gets old they are not as flexible anymore--lol--my excuse here..thanks your right...working on it but it will be awhile yet maybe even when cooler weather sets in to get me motivated...clancey
Practice now when the need is not pressing. It's better to learn how the stove burns now and not in one of those freak fall snowstorms.
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Ha Ha---I'll work on it--and you just want to know how this stove works--lol..clancey.. Maybe I will try to get a little dry wood and call the installer tomorrow but don't count on it for I have a lot to clancey
Wouldn't you like to know how the stove works in case there is a problem with it? If there is a problem you have plenty of time now to fix the problem but come cooler temps you won't have time on your side.
Nice to see things coming on the way you wanted to. Arriving to the *end* of that experience is something great, We have lot of admiration for your determination, many want but not many pull the triger...The stove looks really good in it's place. Always a good idea to read the owners manual for some introductions on wood burning with your stove. Small fires and small fires first and you will get the best wood burner Lady in TX.
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Your responses are precious--in time I will light this stove and its on my I went to the store, then went to Home D. because my hose was cut and had to get a new one, as well as a water sprinkler hose thing for the lawn, then back to the house and out to the loft --fighting with mice and clean out the back of the loft--fed the birdies let them out to fly in the fly pen and take a bath--then had to turn the water on by clearing out the entrance to the basement to get down to the basement to turn the water on , then I filled all the bath tubs and brought out four water containers to have as extra because it is suppose to rain for days on and off in the afternoon time..Now I could go on with about four more things and I ate some quick lunch only because i was hungry and did not have time to cook...Then I made four phone calls,,stone people , lawn people, handi helpers to spread the stone and I am waiting for a sample in the mail for I do not want to go through that driveway boulder size dumping of boulders in my driveway again and that was a job to fix--believe me...Now my good people in time I will light my stove as quick as I can to where I will enjoy it but right now I can't take the time but I will but not now...Love you Bye. clancey
HUM-HUM, I think that the only one solution to all the work you have ahead of you is to come on to Québec and enjoy our primitive way of life LOL. ......Take care.
Now I am going to call my dealer and see if we can set up a wood burning day --he said he would help me light my first fire--so now we will see if he keeps his word--I need the companionship because I am too afraid to just throw in a log or something--lol so we will see..This week is going to be cooler so its a good time and then I can share my stove with my forum friends to see if it is working "right"..clancey
Well Chris the wood stove installer will be here on June 1 to help me light my stove and at that time "I will take a nerve pill"--just kidding here do not take pills but maybe a swig of beer to get the courage ..I hope my house does not burn down..Just wanted you people to know...He will bring the wood and stuff for I asked him to until I get my wood shed or wood container in on about the second week of June..In the meanwhile I am doing some research on bio bricks and brick wood stove starter cubes..maybe I will have a few of them as well just to have them here. clancey
Good deal. The best way to get over the fear is to face it.
I like the "fire liter" products for lighting fires, which can be found at most hardware stores or even Amazon. I used them my first winter with my cookstove while figuring out how it likes to run.
If you throw only wood or wood eco-logs in your stove,you will be OK, forget beer in the stove, could be too hot and keep it for your Québec trip.... As many here said the best for the first and a couple of other fires, just put some kindlings and small pieces of wood in and let the stove die. Make some searches on top/down lighting, more ecolo and easy to get the fire going on, Very very rare to get smoke from the lighting, but yes the stove pipe and the stove itself will make some curing smoke and fume, you should open the windows...
Just a note : did you advised your insurrance company that you did installed a wood stove in your place? I don't know how it works in Tx but here it's an obligation to inform them about installing a wood stove or other solid burning appliances ....


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  • [] My Very First Wood Stove J.A. Roby (Sirius).
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Such a nice classic morso you have and will my stove be that full of stuff too..Your flames look beautiful--look what I learned this week---'Your secondaries and primaries look good"...I will be a lumberjack real lol..Thanks,,clancey
I forgot I have not called my insurance person yet but pretty soon and he will most likely bring that machine that rolls on the ground and his tape measure too--don't really know as of yet. Happy stove cleaning or burning everyone...Yes..
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Well Chris the wood stove installer will be here on June 1 to help me light my stove
I dunno about your area, but around here June 1 can be pretty warm...not the best weather to get a short chimney (or almost any chimney for that matter) to draft well...just be aware that things will work MUCH better when you have cold weather!
Still a good idea to burn the paint in while its warm enough to open the windows...
I dunno about your area, but around here June 1 can be pretty warm...not the best weather to get a short chimney (or almost any chimney for that matter) to draft well...just be aware that things will work MUCH better when you have cold weather!
Still a good idea to burn the paint in while its warm enough to open the windows...
A few days ago CO had overnight temps in the 30s. High altitude can be chillier, but also the thin air affects draft.
You people are becoming a worry wort like me--lol lol...I just do not feel good about trying out the stove now and I have so much on my plate anyway and this would be an overload right now so I am going to cancel my stove person's lighting and wait until colder weather comes then i will really enjoy it as well as things more "tightened up"--etc--doors fixed the right way and all the little surplus things that has to be attended too . I want to enjoy my first fire and I can open up everything in cooler weather--maybe Sept would be better and that's when I have my boiler and generator all checked out and cleaned--ready for wintertime...That will be a better time..I will say this with the prices going up I am so glad that I was able to do this much at this time...thanks..clancey
That is right for the cooler temp. for lighting a wood stove . But usually it can be done without any problem. In the past, peoples were cooking food with wood cookstoves all year round. Cookstoves have small fire box capacity and need to be re-lighted every morning.
Just a remind of the old days before us to many members LOL.
That's quite a reminder and made me tired---I am going back to bed...Your bright eyed and bushy tailed and that's good for your younger I need to go and clean the back part of the bird loft and I have a bad mouse problem as well---terrible job this is but I am ready and got my coffee and on my way...Feel bad for me forum friends just too much work today and no play but I will get back to you...Be safe and Be good everyone...clancey
For my first few fires I am going to use bio bricks and if I got a palet of this what kind of storage would this entail--could I store maybe a fourth of a palet in the house and is it a fire danger or anything like that? That would at this time be the easiest for me because of my age and health conditions..What do you all think about this and is it okay for my beautiful new stove and does it burn or make a lot of cresote in the piping and how long does it burn for and how many logs would be good to start with? Plenty of questions..thanks clancey
I had some of those bio bricks stored in my shed and I think they have soya in them cause the mice just loved them
They need to be indoors ideally. If the bricks get wet they will swell and fall apart. A shed, garage, basement, or anywhere enclosed and dry works well. Never heard of mice getting into them, the shed we stored our pallet in for our first winter had plenty of rodent activity and they didn't bother the bricks.
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