Your trailer will work for small loads.
1/4 cord or so.
I have a single axle 3500 lb trailer with 24" sides & if full it's way overloaded with wood.
With truck & trailer, I'd haul about 5/8 cord per trip.
Just got a dual axle with brakes, (7,000 lbs) with 5800 lb pay load rating. I'll feel a lot safer now & can haoul a whole cord with ease.
You may find it 's relatively cheap to add an axle or upgrade the axle to a 3500 lab one, to help you haul more weight.
24" sides would give you near 1/2 cord loaded level

16" sides would be plenty .
Not sure how to get it registered for more pay load, check with PA's DMV.
PS: a 3500 lab axle with brakes is a real good idea when towing with car, van & small PUs
Use what you have for a few trips & see how it works out.
It may be perfect for your needs, but It's easy to overload a trailer with fire wood.
+1 with the expanded metal bed, not user friendly.

Pictures when yo get it loaded.
What are you towing it with?