My pipes are frozen

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Aaron Pasteris said:
The bear mountain device looks like it would do the trick.

I try to put one together from my junk box - even if I need to order parts, it would only be abut $20 to replicate
(I am not implying they are gouging just I don't need to pay the design costs)


Hi Plumbit,

The re-circulate pump on the domestic supply works for the water lines, but it still won't help with the heating pipes from the boiler. That is where the ThermGuard comes in. It has been perventing freezing pipes for 5 years now all around the country but circulating a small amount of hot water through the heating pipes periodically.

Aaron, would you post a picture of what you come up with? I tried for while to figure out a solution that would be programmable and look nice placed under the thermostat. That is why ThermGuard was developed. I have attached a picture of ThermGuard attached to a thermostat



  • [] My pipes are frozen
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Had a frozen pipes issue myself. Let the fire go out too long on friday(worst day to do this, DOH!), ended up freezing up all my faucets. No copper tubing was damaged, but the upstairs bathroom shower valve cracked on the hot water inlet. Sprayed the downstairs dining room carpet & floor pretty good. The crack was so minimal that I couldn't see spending 200+ to replace the valve, so I did a repair job with some JB weld.
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