DonD said:
Here's the test results with the axis scale changed.
At the end of October, when the big storm hit the northeast, there wasn't a generator to be found anywhere, except at the Home Depot near where I live. There was one left, but the associate admitted to me that it was still on the shelf because it was missing a dipstick and therefore the engine will not run without spewing oil all over the place
You will see soon enough where I am going with this........
So, I found a pressure washer in the painting department with the same engine, and asked the associate if I could rob the dipstick off of that pressure washer. He said sure, no problem. So there I am, in the midst of a big power outage. Nobody around has power, no generators are to be found, lines are miles long at gas stations where there ere generators pumping gas, and I just scored myself a generator.....
Give me a minute here..........
So, up at the checkout counter, the girl at the register congratulates me and then notices a manufacturer's sticker on the generator that is peeling a little bit. She (meaning to be helpful, I know) procedes to tell me that a little soap and hot water will get the rest of the sticker off with out hurting the nice orange paint of the frame. I'm thinking to myself "are you freaking kidding me?...It's a freaking sticker!" I mean, nobody areoun has power, I got a generator, and she thinks I care about a damn sticker peeling? Sweet Jesus! Then she procedes to tell me that in aisle "such and such" there is a non-abrasive detergent that might do the trick. I very politely (well at least not rudely) told her that I cant wait for the day in my life where I have that kind of leisure time to worry about a sticker, and then thought to myself, if there exists anywhere, a man with that Kind of free time.
Well.....Iv'e found that man.
Enter DonD.
Don, I envy you like I envy Tom Brady. You're that man that the sales associate at H.D. mistook me for. Don't know how you do it, but you are the doctor, mayor, chief and wizard of time management.
But seriously, thank you for your time in putting this together and contributing this information. It is actually very useful, and you have great taste in pellets...... If I only had your spare time.
Well anyways...Gotta go- I need to go iron my socks before I go out to pollish the insides of my gutters.