I have two tons of Okanagan Douglas Fir. They burn wicked hot, and I am afraid I have not figured out the adjustments to make my stove run these pellets smoothly (I'm not a pellet stove expert yet, for sure). I have a 3 year old Harman Accentra Insert, and I keep it very very clean. I turned the feed rate down to 2-3.... maybe I need to go further down. Here's what I'm seeing: For the first ~24 hours, they burn great... Almost no ash at all, and great heat. After that, the minimal amount of ash starts to build up, and it forms a solid crust at the front of the cup. Once the crust forms, I basically get a pellet pile-up behind the crust and the the entire cup is burning (not just in front of the pile like usual). I need to shut down the stove, wait till it cools, crack the crust out, clean the cup and start it over. Any expert advice is much appreciated