As already said a million times, dry wood is key. I have oak and hickory that I was able to burn in my old slammer in October of 2011 that is still barely dry enough to burn in the new insert, almost 2 years c/s/s. My house is 2400sqft if you include the finished basement, and although we haven't had anything colder that 20s at night yet, my biggest problem is keeping the stove room below 80. Distributing that hot air around seems key for any woodstove, use the search function here for lots of good tips which usually boil down to blow cold air at the stove room and let the hot air take care if itself. One counter-intuitive tip I've noticed is that cracking a window in the stove room doesn't just cool that room to a comfortable level, the increased draft brings warm air upstairs.
If you have the bypass damper tool, grind about 1/4" off the tab, or you'll very quickly scratch that nice new coating.
Get a good stovetop thermometer. Get the heat up quick and shut the air down as far as you can. Anything over 400 works well, as the thermometer passes about 380, I can see the switch in the smoke from the chimney as secondaries kick in.
I've tried blower on low, medium low and off, none seem to change the overall heat output, but using the blower moves the heat away from the stove better, the surround brickwork is much warmer with the blower off. Unless I was overfiring or something, any more than half speed is too loud.
I've been loading e/w to keep the temperatures down, also because most of my seasoned wood was sized for my slammer, although this usually means the log at the back needs to be dragged forward after a few hours. Loading N/S seems to burn faster and hotter, but more completely all the way to the back, so burns longer without any attention. I've comfortably beaten manufacturer's 12 hour burn claim, and I haven't tried hard.
Lastly, I put in a block off plate, not to keep the stove heat inside the house, but to reduce the huge downdraft of cold air around the liner when the stove is off (5+ days a week for me).