Wazilian: Not to beat a dead horse, but at least check with any of the companies that might deliver you bulk pellets. My guess is that they won't deliver if you use PVC as a fill pipe. Here is what my dealer did. 1. Prior to an agreement, he wanted a description of every piece of the set up I had, and to make sure that the fill pipe bracket and the two fill pipe adapters ( that connect) to the trucks fill hose were grounded. And more importantly....2. Before the driver would even hook up to my connectors, he would have to inspect my set up and if it didn't meet their standards...no pellets. Overkill? All I know, is that when they are "In you basement" or wherever your set up is, they start the flow by a remote control. They want to make sure that the pellets coming in are going exactly where they are supposed to go. Static charge is a MAJOR concern, not only to your house but to the companies truck (fill hose) that is connected to your system. His truck might hold 12-15 tons of pellets and he doesn't want an accident...........just be prepared to rip out your PVC! Bill ( a concerned Hearth.com member)