Just took a close look at that piece you were holding. Sweet smell, gets moldy thru out, rots easy. I think you have sweet gum on your hands. did you split it by hand? It's an absolute PITA to split. maul bounces out, or just sticks in it and when you wrestle it out, it closes right back up. if you leave it on the ground it rots really fast. I have a bunch of rounds of it from a monster that I had taken down in the front yard. It's also heavy as lead when green and light as balsa wood when dry. it burns ok but it requires more sunshine than oak to get dry. When you first split it there is a super sweet smell. I would imagine that molding, it smells kind of rank. it has a very smooth look to it's surface(the wood). It turns nicely and you can make some very cool bowels out of it. I have also found that if the rot starts in it you get tons of insects in it quickly. But that could just be local to my area.