Well I cut out some thin metal pieces and managed to wedge them in temporarily. I also change the setting for my high feed rate. I think I had it backwards. Plus all the cleaning... Now I'll need to test it out.I have no idea if that is a design flaw or
what but the ash build up back there is why
people keep saying is your stove clean . It is behind
things and hidden passages that get plugged and
compromise the output and operation of the stove
To be fair, I've cleaned out that area in back before. Perhaps not perfectly, because it's very hard to reach even with my smallest vacuum attachments. Mfg says to clean it out once/year or every ton of pellets. I'm sure I have cleaned it more often than that, and I was complaining about the heat output back in 2008 when the stove was brand new so ash build up couldn't have been my primary issue at that time.