Perhaps this has been explained to you in another of your threads.
I have attached 2 pics of my hearth, similar to your brick wall. Behind my brick wall is a studded wall that separates the family/woodstove room from the utility room. Behind the studded wall is our masonry chimney which is inside the utility room. So our 8" clay thimble passes thru my brick wall, thru the studded wall, thru our chimney block the flush with the clay flue inside. I constructed the wall similar to the pic that I have attached. I came out of our Jotul F45 manual. So I framed a big hole in the studded wall at the thimble pass thru. The thimble is surrounded by 12" of brick inside the studded wall, attaching to both my brick wall and to the chimney. Since you are not using an insulated thimble at this time, the thimble must be surrounded by that amount of brick if indeed your thimble passes thru a studded wall. I wish I had pics of the bricking of that thimble when the wall was open. . We took a lot of photos when building 30 years ago but not one of that area. Hope this helps.
Prior to DVL installation.
With DVL
Jotul pic. So picture your/mine brick hearth wall in front of the 32 x 32 thimble surround. Hopefully your father and the mason constructed it that way.
I have attached 2 pics of my hearth, similar to your brick wall. Behind my brick wall is a studded wall that separates the family/woodstove room from the utility room. Behind the studded wall is our masonry chimney which is inside the utility room. So our 8" clay thimble passes thru my brick wall, thru the studded wall, thru our chimney block the flush with the clay flue inside. I constructed the wall similar to the pic that I have attached. I came out of our Jotul F45 manual. So I framed a big hole in the studded wall at the thimble pass thru. The thimble is surrounded by 12" of brick inside the studded wall, attaching to both my brick wall and to the chimney. Since you are not using an insulated thimble at this time, the thimble must be surrounded by that amount of brick if indeed your thimble passes thru a studded wall. I wish I had pics of the bricking of that thimble when the wall was open. . We took a lot of photos when building 30 years ago but not one of that area. Hope this helps.
Prior to DVL installation.
With DVL
Jotul pic. So picture your/mine brick hearth wall in front of the 32 x 32 thimble surround. Hopefully your father and the mason constructed it that way.