Lopi Yankee Bay P1 wood pellet fireplace insert

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New Member
Jan 23, 2025
Southeast Missouri
Needing help… I have a Looi Yankee Bay P1 fireplace insert that continues to have a #4 fault code. Snap discs have been replaced, and it continues to fault. Happens in manual mode and if in automatic. Wall thermostat is new as well. Igniter has been replaced as well. It was purchased in 2008 by previous homeowners. We have had it cleaned with yearly maintenance since we purchased home in 2021. Any suggestions on what could be wrong or what should be done to troubleshoot are greatly appreciated.
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Well the last couple years pellets have been dirty more so than the past. You may have to step up the maintenance. It sounds like it is dirty and not Drawing the air it needs. Stove pipe, combustion blower, nooks and crannies and the burn pot holes. A real good cleaning.
Thank you for suggestion. I had the yearly deep cleaning and chimney cleaning done in the spring; burn pot and ashes have been vacuumed out, the little doors on either side have been removed and ashes removed from those “tubes”. Am I missing an area to clean?
Not that im aware of. But many of us have had to clean more often than normal. The manual points to a poor vacuum. Stove being dirty is a major culprit. It may be time for a new combustion blower.
Last week my stove started acting up (I do all the maintenance)
Black-tipped flames and dirty glass (real quick) should not have need to be cleaned
on 1 .5 tons burnt. I opened it up and dam she was full of ash I would
have to guess that the softwood pellets I tried were the cause. Never in 22 years
have I ever had to do a full cleaning after only 1.5 tons. As my Father would say Shows to go ya
Replaced the combustion fan at the same time getting very noisy
Make sure she is clean inlet tp exhaust termination
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