Hey there--new guy here. I've been burning oak in a 1986 Lopi fireplace insert for almost 20 years. It's never worked terribly effectively or efficiently but I use it nonetheless for the ambience. So, this summer I found the original owners manual and after reading through it, I realize that my insert does NOT have the lower of the two baffles, and I had no clue there should have been one. It's removable, and somewhere along the line, before we bought the house, it was removed and not replaced. Baffling, I know. I called the Lopi guys at Travis Ind. and they said it probably hasn't damaged the insert but definitely doesn't allow it to burn properly or get the secondary burn--which would explain why it's never worked well for me. I haven't been able to locate a replacement baffle, and Travis doesn't have the original dimensions for me to get one made. What should I do? Any suggestions on finding or having a replacement made would be appreciated. And...can I safely keep using it in the meantime? Thanks a bunch.