I could probably accumulate a cord an hour splitting by hand (MM) if
It was all fresh cut ash, red oak and Aspen
I was splitting for my boiler, which means I probably split every fourth chunk
The weather was cool and I had no interuptions
Oh, yeah, I could probably keep up that pace for 1 - 1 1/2 hours.
The poster seems to indicate that 4 men with one hydraulic splitter could split 16 cord on one work day. Assuming they are splitting most every chunk - I'm not saying he's a liar - but he's having a little trouble recalling correctly.
Best case scenario - take 36,000 seconds (10 hour day) divided by the cycle time in seconds. Theory this is the maximum # of strokes. Assume each piece is split once to make two pieces, so multiply by two to determine maximum number of pieces.
I'll leave it someone else to figure out how many pieces to a cord.
You'll see there just ain't enough time in the day. Let alone breakdowns, sore backs, snack breaks, refuel breaks, multiple-pass splits, yada,yada,yada.