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the thornless honey variety


  • [] Locust
    65.6 KB · Views: 391
golfandwoodnut said:
I think Honey Locust appears to be very similiar to Black Locust. I just cut one of each up recently The bark is almost identical except Honey locust is a lighter shade. The one I cut was on a hillside, so I guess they do not have to grow in river bottoms. It was close to the Ohio river, but high on the hill side. The wood was just as heavy as Black Locust, so I doubt there is much difference in moisture content. I will check some shortly as I split some recently. The wood is a different shade, more brown and black locust was more white. I would think it would season very quickly since Black Locust is ranked 3rd on the fast list behind Ash and Beech but one on the BTU list.
golfandwoodnut, If
"the bark is almost identical"
then they are not Black and Honey Locust. The bark of these two trees is VERY different.
yeah, those are both black locust,

I don't think there are any different 'types' or varieties of black locust.

if the wood is different colored, its just due to the age of the tree, or that one is drier than the other.
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