Why stand when you can sit?
Getting up off a milk crate (or something that height) constantly would kill my knees and back. I'd rather stand if I can't sit at a regular height
And why would you be "constantly getting up" Even when you do, it is quite easy to grasp the splitter to help you get up so there is no strain on the knees and back.
Why lift every log?
Whether you are splitting vertical or horizontal, going to have to do some lifting at some point. How are you getting that log to the splitter, rolling it? I set my splitter up against my trailer and throw the splits into it. Might be 20-30ft from the pile of logs depending on how much I cut that day and if I feel like moving the trailer.
Yes indeed I do roll the big logs. No, I do not lay them down to roll them but roll them as you would a milk can. Most times I can do that one handed; no lifting it up onto the splitter.
Why not lift any log?
Why should be more tired when finished splitting?
Why not settle for faster splitting?
Exactly, sitting, getting up, getting a log, sitting, splitting, getting up... more motions than just standing.
If that is your idea of how to split wood, I can not help you because I simply cannot relate to such sillyness. There is no way I or anyone else could split wood like that.
Why not settle for easier splitting?
Why not make it the easiest on the body?
Why not work in the safer manner?
Not sure either way is safer than the other?
If you split by hand, why not split horizontal?
How exactly would you do that?
Just like you are splitting now. Horizontally. Try it and you'll see that vertical splits easier.
Nah it's just that everyone else is doing it backwards

(I'm from Maine as well).
My splitter is horizontal only so I don't have a choice even if I wanted.
Now we've come to the correct answer. Your splitter does not give the option.
My brother used one that you could go vertical. I used it vertical for a few big logs. It worked fine for that but my back and knees didn't deal with that kind of bending for very long. To me it just seemed un-natural to be in that position.
I have 3 ruptured discs and 2 wedge fractured vertebrae... I have a pretty good idea what kills my back or what I can deal with. Whatever works have at it... for me horizontal is MUCH more comfortable.
Truth is, you do not have the option to split vertically with your own. When you tried your brothers you did it wrong. As for the ruptured discs, I am no stranger to that either. I too have a bad back. Have had 3 surgeries. Scoliosis from polio. 4 ruptured discs now in the back and 3 in the neck. Sadly, I know what pain is. I am also a bit older and age does take its toll. Still, I hope to be able to do this into my 80's.
I'm all for whatever works