hilly said:Well, I got a prebent section of fuel line from the dealer and went to work. The rear comes off simply by pressing in two tabs, but the front was a quick-release fitting, that isn't unless you have the right tool. $20 later I had the correct tool and in about thirty minutes I had the old line off and the new one installed. It feels great to save a bunch of money and to have the ability to do-it-yourself, it's even better when my do-it-yourself work doesn't cost me four times extra because I create other problems to fix!
I did find something odd with the old fuel line though. Where it was leaking had been, at one time, wrapped with some type of tape. My guess is that while it was under warranty the dealership saw the leak and did a quickie fix to it. Anyone heard of this before?
Thanks for all the advice.
Methinks the tape might be the cause of the corrosion, not the other way around. I doubt an mechanic in his right mind would try to tape a fuel line.