I haven’t posted much here recently so I figured I’d give an update and start a chat on the kuuma or any wood burner out there, I’ve been burning since November and have burned maybe 1.5 cords so far, oak/locust. This month could be the coldest year yet for me, i think I’m on year 4 with the furnace. Snow should be starting in the next few hours here in MD. The temps bottom out once the storm pulls off shore accompanied with high winds and we could be looking at another one by the weekend. Iv had the furnace set on medium all day, I find that it’s easy to maintain 72-74 degrees but hard to play catch up so I’m burning 24/7. the blower hasnt shut off all day, Im keeping the beast fed. You can really tell the difference when the temps get into 20s vs the 30s, the house gets harder to heat. Can’t say enough about the furnace though it keeps us warm and toasty all winter long weather its 20 or 0 outside. Hope everyone is having a good start to the new year, January is gunna be a cold one.
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