Yes, the recent study reported in Nature shows that previous estimates for size and volume of the GPGP are very low. This is a detailed, and conservative study. And yes this is just one of six human garbage collecting gyres. If people thought of this in terms of petroleum dumped in the ocean they would be much more alarmed, but that is essentially what it is, time-released, but just as fatal in many ways. And this is just one issue. It was reported in the past week that we have also grossly underestimated the amount of microplastics that is currently pouring into the oceans from freshwater rivers. And this is before ocean acidification. We are killing our very source of life, the seas. Without ocean produced oxygen, terrestrial life as we know it will not survive.
PS: Love Carlin, but since he did that monologue we are up to 150-200 species going extinct per day. That is way above the background rate of 25 per day that he mentions. The planet is our habitat and the only one we have. In the big picture he is correct, the planet will survive without us, but at the current rate humanity's days are numbered. It's basic math.