After many hours this morning I have determined that I have an old Kent TileFire, I think from around 1980. I've had the house for around 4 years, and have used the fire to varying amounts for about three winters. I had the fire checked when I bought the house, someone came out to see if it meets the current standards for my state (Western Australia). This winter I've felt like it has been using a lot more wood.
This morning I noticed that the ceiling on the wood burning area looked really bad. I think I've now worked out that this is the baffle, and I'm pretty sure mine is, well, destroyed. The plate that should have nice holes in has missing pieces at the bottom of the holes, and the plate is dropped. Looking very much like teeth and gaping jaw from a Stephen King novel..
From reading it appears that the baffle in the TF is welded in, and isn't a simple replacement job. I have a sad, sad feeling that my fire may just be at the end of its life, but I wanted to try a last ditch hopeful query.
I've attached two photos, one is from the OP and is what I think I should be seeing,the second is what I am actually seeing. Apologies for photo clarity, the fire is on and quite scalding. I suspect, now that I've actually read up on fires, that I've been overburning, and probably using logs too long for the TF.
1) is my TF cactus and I need to replace it?
2) Any suggestions for a similar fire for replacement? This thing is a beast and without any type of fan or anything it heats my rather large home.
3) How likely is it that I destroyed my poor baby? Any chance of making me feel better and saying that damage isn't so likely to be from just me? The house was built in 1980, I used the fire in 2017, 2018, and this year. This year has definitely had more wood go through it than any previous year.
Thank you for any help. Bonus thank you's for emathatetic replies that don't make me feel like a fire destroying monster