Just ordered the Fireview . . .

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Highbeam said:
Texas boy said:
Y'all come on down!

Don't tempt me. I've been growing tired of the politics up here in the evergreen state. I've threatened to move south to NM, AZ, or even TX but the wife insists on visiting first. I'm "sending" my father down to TX this summer in an RV to check things out. He's coming into the state from the NW corner. Do you guys need any professional engineers? Can I bring my guns?

Our state highway division could use a ton of engineers 'bout now. You might check that out at TxDOT or Texas Department of Transportation. Texas is a gun culture. We need 'em to keep the varmints out, both kinds. If'n y'don't bring 'em, you'll be th' only one who don't have 'em! It isn't a moral issue here. We need 'em just like we need pocket knives and shovels, hoes, post-hole diggers and wire cutters.

IF he's comin' in the NW corner, we live not too far from there. Have him come by for a spell.
Todd said:
Congrats on the new stove, if you decide it's not working for you at least you can send it back. I hope all that wood isn't treated in some way, it will be death to your cat in the stove. Cedar burns hot and fast so take it easy on the first few burns til you figure the stove out. When I burn a full load of pine in my stove I can get about 6-8 hour burn on low, that 60 year old cedar is going to burn up fast, hope you are able to load frequently.

Well, maybe it'll burn fast, but I brought home a couple hundred pounds of it and tested it in an open FP. The first batch was six logs, 22" long, 4" diameter and they lasted 4:50. These things are HARD. They ring with a tone when clanked together. I then did six and they lasted 5:35 before they collapsed through the andirons. Don't know if that seems fast to y'all, but it seemed pretty slow for cedar to me. Then there was a lot of hot coals that lasted for quite a while, but I didn't time them. I think it will work fine. It'd pretty easy to regulate by just putting in a couple of logs and then gradually adding to it. But who knows with a stove?
Those are some good burn times for an open fireplace. I think it'll burn great. There's only one sure way to find out! Torch it up in the stove.
With all that free fuel, you install a second stove and heat the place for sure. The cost of the second stove would be covered, by NEVER having to buy heating fuel again.
Texas boy said:
Highbeam said:
Texas boy said:
Y'all come on down!

Don't tempt me. I've been growing tired of the politics up here in the evergreen state. I've threatened to move south to NM, AZ, or even TX but the wife insists on visiting first. I'm "sending" my father down to TX this summer in an RV to check things out. He's coming into the state from the NW corner. Do you guys need any professional engineers? Can I bring my guns?

Our state highway division could use a ton of engineers 'bout now. You might check that out at TxDOT or Texas Department of Transportation. Texas is a gun culture. We need 'em to keep the varmints out, both kinds. If'n y'don't bring 'em, you'll be th' only one who don't have 'em! It isn't a moral issue here. We need 'em just like we need pocket knives and shovels, hoes, post-hole diggers and wire cutters.

IF he's comin' in the NW corner, we live not too far from there. Have him come by for a spell.

One of the things that tickles me the most about Texas Highway Maintenance is when you are going along a road and suddenly you see a sign warning there is some guardrail damage ahead. With the dollars it took to buy the sign and post and then set the post and hang the sign, that damage could have been repaired and save a lot of those valuable dollars! I laugh ever time I see one of those.

I agree about keeping the varmits under control.
Backwoods Savage said:
Texas boy said:
Highbeam said:
Texas boy said:
Y'all come on down!

Don't tempt me. I've been growing tired of the politics up here in the evergreen state. I've threatened to move south to NM, AZ, or even TX but the wife insists on visiting first. I'm "sending" my father down to TX this summer in an RV to check things out. He's coming into the state from the NW corner. Do you guys need any professional engineers? Can I bring my guns?

Our state highway division could use a ton of engineers 'bout now. You might check that out at TxDOT or Texas Department of Transportation. Texas is a gun culture. We need 'em to keep the varmints out, both kinds. If'n y'don't bring 'em, you'll be th' only one who don't have 'em! It isn't a moral issue here. We need 'em just like we need pocket knives and shovels, hoes, post-hole diggers and wire cutters.

IF he's comin' in the NW corner, we live not too far from there. Have him come by for a spell.

One of the things that tickles me the most about Texas Highway Maintenance is when you are going along a road and suddenly you see a sign warning there is some guardrail damage ahead. With the dollars it took to buy the sign and post and then set the post and hang the sign, that damage could have been repaired and save a lot of those valuable dollars! I laugh ever time I see one of those.

I agree about keeping the varmits under control.

That's a fact, but you know how those engineers are! Most of 'em down thissy are Aggies. Their engineering textbooks have to have lots of pictures 'fore they can understand.

Seriously, all those requirements are federal--If you want their dollars, you have to jump through their hoops. Many of 'em make sense--like the requirement to post the signs on posts that are high enough that a car will hit them and fold 'em down on the car roof instead of going through the windscreen, which IS a real good idea! They also have to be a certain distance from the travel surface, and on and on and on and on . . . whew! But, as I said, those are all federal, not state. As an investigator, I have challenged many of their requirements and they've shown me the rules. AND the fed rules take precedence over all others. The TxDOT guys have a hard job, contrary to what the general public might think.

BTW, does your wife know she's ornery AND part of your signature line--that goes out all over the world? Just curious! :-)
Ya, I have to remind her every now and then. lol

I know exactly what you are talking about with those government rules.
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