Can take a picture of the cycle timer and do you have a model number.
I was actually thinking the same thing about the cycle timer overheating the unit and blowing off the pressure valve.
Like I said I shut off at 190 and it can swing up to 200 and even 205. I'm not sure how cool it will get in 2 hours but if the timer kicked on it may overheat. I'm not sure what my T&P valve is rated for or if I can buy one rated for 220 or higher.
But I asked this in te past and the WG guys say its not an issue.
Sure. I won't be home until late tonight but I can let you know Friday morning.
While we're talking about boiler temperatures, there's about a 10-degree difference between the aquastat and the gauge on the boiler. I have the aquastat set to kick the boiler off at 180 which gives me 170 at the gauge. Not sure what to believe but I'll er on the side of caution and believe the gauge.