While it isn't time to clean it yet, (brand new stove and only a handful of fires to break it in and get acquainted) I thought I would be proactive and study up for when the time came. I just watched a video of a gentleman sweeping his chimney pipe and cleaning out his F3CB. His set up is the same as mine in a nutshell - straight down w/ tee into the back flue collar. The only difference is mine is a fireplace install so about a foot of the SS liner was ovalized to fit through the damper then circularized again to accept the tee. Will a 6" chimney brush easily conform to the oval? will this mess the brush bristles up? In regards to the stove cleaning, all he did was remove the stove top via the two 3mm screws on the sides and give it a good vacuuming and made sure the top of the baffle (secondary combustion?) plate was free and clear of debris. Is this thorough enough? It also didn't really look like he did too much to clean out the horizontal portion of the tee unless his arm did some magic bending maneuver when he stuck it through the bottom of the cleanout. He also didn't brush edges and nooks to get it as close to immaculate as possible. Just the chimney brush and ash vac. Maybe the perfectionist in me is coming out. Maybe what he did was perfectly fine, I don't know. That's why I'm asking you fine people. Thanks!