I've been told we don't need anymore wood. Lol

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How’s three rows of pallets, stacked double- wide, 50 - 100 feet long? I haven’t counted cords recently, but I’m guessing 30.

[Hearth.com] I've been told we don't need anymore wood. Lol
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How’s three rows of pallets, stacked double- wide, 50 - 100 feet long? I haven’t counted cords recently, but I’m guessing 30.

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That's impressive...having woodstack envy right now.

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I'll just say this, take it when you can get it, and there is no such thing as too much, you never know when times will get lean. I am a solid 2 years ahead, and hurt my right arm in November of '16 since then cutting and splitting has been slowed dramatically. Just now starting to cut and split again, in a month of so, my storage will be full again to 3 years out.

+1 . . . You never know when something comes up and you suddenly find a dearth of wood coming your way, health issues pop up unexpectedly or life throws a curve ball at you out of nowhere and you just don't have the time to work on the wood.

This is why I am always looking for wood even though I am well ahead . . .
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We are empty nesters now...and getting some age on us...lol...things can and will happen to alter your life..my wife is not capable of firewood duties so I make sure that she will have nothing to worry about in the event that something should happen to me..so to me there is never enough wood on hand...3-4 years ahead right now and before this winter is out I am going to double that as all I am cutting right now is Oak....then I will concentrate on more roofed storage...
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He who dies with the most firewood wins.
Once you start scrounging it seems there isn't any going back...it's a satisfying addiction. That being said, it seems most people are at least a year or more ahead, myself included...I hope I'm not the only one who fights a bit of hesitation when friends or family ask for firewood. I'm always willing to help them out, but I think I get a bit possessive over my precious wood inventory...lol

People don’t really think about the time and energy and money that went into you being able to produce all this firewood. I never mind volunteering wood for gatherings, but asking for wood without returning a favor is lousy. I have a neighbor I’m friendly with you asks for wood for his fire pit on occasion. I just give him a load of my own fire pit wood, which is wood too big for the stove. I don’t mind, but he’s never offered to have me over to one of these fires or have a beer with him. I wouldn’t ask him if I could have 10 gallons of heating oil.

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People don’t really think about the time and energy and money that went into you being able to produce all this firewood. I never mind volunteering wood for gatherings, but asking for wood without returning a favor is lousy. I have a neighbor I’m friendly with you asks for wood for his fire pit on occasion. I just give him a load of my own fire pit wood, which is wood too big for the stove. I don’t mind, but he’s never offered to have me over to one of these fires or have a beer with him. I wouldn’t ask him if I could have 10 gallons of heating oil.

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I don't charge friends for family for anything, neighbors are a different story.
I had a neighbor sort of mention "maybe" he could buy some firewood off me sometime, and even that made me cringe a bit. Sure I could make a few bucks selling some wood, but then I'm out seasoned wood that would be even better by the next year if I hadn't gotten to burning it this year. I think I'm ok with being possessive...lol
I had a neighbor sort of mention "maybe" he could buy some firewood off me sometime, and even that made me cringe a bit. Sure I could make a few bucks selling some wood, but then I'm out seasoned wood that would be even better by the next year if I hadn't gotten to burning it this year. I think I'm ok with being possessive...lol

I have 3 large Oaks that I'm considering cutting, splitting and selling. Oak, with it's long seasoning process screws up my "only stack it once" rule.
I had a neighbor sort of mention "maybe" he could buy some firewood off me sometime, and even that made me cringe a bit. Sure I could make a few bucks selling some wood, but then I'm out seasoned wood that would be even better by the next year if I hadn't gotten to burning it this year. I think I'm ok with being possessive...lol
1. Beggars can’t be choosers, you can sell him un-seasoned wood.
2. If seasoned wood is to be exchanged, it’s not at $200 per cord. I’ve seen others on this forum quoting dried wood at $450 per cord, when they’ve been forced to shop it.
As long as it's sunny and windy, that wood will last for years. I have 8 cords ready, and can't stop accumulating more. What's that illness I have again?