i'm a scrounger and use craigslist as my only source for firewood. recently, there have been many awesome looking posts, but they get gobbled up quickly while i sit at the office job doing the 9-5 thing. by the time i get home, it seems most nearby scrounge opportunities are gone.
tuesday night around midnight, i saw a local post go up. only 5 mins away. i was tempted to go for a midnight stroll, but didn't want the police asking me WTH i was doing. so, 6am, headed out and picked up what i believe to be some cherry. is my wood ID correct? the original post said "cherry, oak, and doug fir", but i don't think i saw any of that.
then, later that day, after getting home from work, there was the jackpot post. the local power utility cut down 2 doug firs and there was a huge pile out there. 3 full trailers later (finishing up around 11pm), i have enough wood to keep me busy for a bit. i think it's doug fir (which would be a first for me), but am not sure. i'm used to seeing monster doug firs in the mountains - the kind that has 6" thick bark - so i'm not 100% positive. the wood grain and color definitely looks doug fir to me.
overall, i think it's probably 1.5 cords. some of those doug fir pieces were a PITA to lift up by myself (8 pieces filled a 4x8 trail --- the pieces were probably 25-30" long).
tuesday night around midnight, i saw a local post go up. only 5 mins away. i was tempted to go for a midnight stroll, but didn't want the police asking me WTH i was doing. so, 6am, headed out and picked up what i believe to be some cherry. is my wood ID correct? the original post said "cherry, oak, and doug fir", but i don't think i saw any of that.
then, later that day, after getting home from work, there was the jackpot post. the local power utility cut down 2 doug firs and there was a huge pile out there. 3 full trailers later (finishing up around 11pm), i have enough wood to keep me busy for a bit. i think it's doug fir (which would be a first for me), but am not sure. i'm used to seeing monster doug firs in the mountains - the kind that has 6" thick bark - so i'm not 100% positive. the wood grain and color definitely looks doug fir to me.
overall, i think it's probably 1.5 cords. some of those doug fir pieces were a PITA to lift up by myself (8 pieces filled a 4x8 trail --- the pieces were probably 25-30" long).