Minister of Fire
Wow--I thought I was the only one who did this (besides my wife). In fact just today we were moving some wood in a wheelbarrow and she said, "hey watch out for that wolf spider, don't hurt it." Fortunately brown recluses and black widows are rare in my area. I still wear gloves, but I have a definite respect for the spider population.I'll be honest if I see a spider of any kind I try my best to not disturb it. I will honestly save wolf spiders and jumping spiders to prevent them from getting stepped on while I'm working. Wolf and jumping spiders, along with many other spiders, are cannibals. And they will actually eat brown recluse and black widow spiders.
Spiders do not bite us for fun, they do it for their protection if they feel threatened. I honestly prefer to see a spider in my house then a fly. I think I care so much about spiders because they eat the flying bastard insects that hate so so much.
Ok I'm done. Be safe everyone.