See attached images.
Installer installed the Regency CI2700 today and started the first fire ~3 hours ago. The flue is a 5.5" stainless 316L flex liner, 42 feet long (tall chimney!), and insulated with Thermix because there are 2 offsets that made it impossible for them to get the insulated liner down (they tried once from the top and once from the bottom).
The room was pretty smoky the first hour they fired it from the paint curing, and the curing smell is lingering. But its only been a few hours so I'm not worried. But I did notice a few discoloration spots and wondering if this is normal? Is this a sign that it was overfired (I attached the current thermometer reading, the max it got to was ~900 if I remember correctly... this is the therm that came with the unit so I think it is a cat therm?)? Can I just touch this paint up?
Installer installed the Regency CI2700 today and started the first fire ~3 hours ago. The flue is a 5.5" stainless 316L flex liner, 42 feet long (tall chimney!), and insulated with Thermix because there are 2 offsets that made it impossible for them to get the insulated liner down (they tried once from the top and once from the bottom).
The room was pretty smoky the first hour they fired it from the paint curing, and the curing smell is lingering. But its only been a few hours so I'm not worried. But I did notice a few discoloration spots and wondering if this is normal? Is this a sign that it was overfired (I attached the current thermometer reading, the max it got to was ~900 if I remember correctly... this is the therm that came with the unit so I think it is a cat therm?)? Can I just touch this paint up?