My wife says those are little angels, telling you heat is on its way
She is bang on the money, especially this morning... waking up to more storms here is Scotland.
Looks like it's all fine, Mickey... It's been reassuring to me too, hearng that everyone hears those Angels..
I'll echo Kenny too,if im hearing him right... After a while, you get to recognise slightly different cracking noises that are saying things like - "wow... This load is heating me up really fast!" Or "hello! I'm right at 600, the flames are raging... You're not about to forget to shut off my air!, are you?" And then of course, there's' "you did it, didn't you... You forgot... Listen to me creak.. I'm at nearly !#$* for the love of Vulcan!" ... Then there's the "oh... Thank God... Thank God..!" set of creaks than come when the stove is cooling... They're all slightly different, it seems to me.. And through time we get to recognise what each of them means, just a like a mother and her baby..
I get a ping more recently too... But in my case it's my stove top thermometer saying, "hah.. Fooled you! I wasn't at 450deg at all.. I was STUCK.. come and see!!"
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