Backwoods Savage said:
doubledip said:
I may be wrong but I still think its Elm???
Doubledip, how much elm have you ever cut or split?
I do not mean to sound dishonorable, but it is amazing to me how new folks tend to go away from others who have a little bit more experience on things new to them. I will say this: if that is elm, it is the prettiest elm I've ever seen and I wish I had about 100 acres of them. I'd show those guys just what elm was worth!
Sir, I may be new to this forum, but I am by no means new to wood. I worked at a sawmill for 2 years and I have probably cut and handled more Walnut and Red Elm than most people here on this forum have in their entire lives. Have any of you even seen Red elm before in real life, or are you relying on your experience with American Elm, or simply your internet ego?
What Doubledip has is indeed Red Elm, also known as Slippery Elm, and is heavier and much easier to split than American Elm. I suggest taking it to a sawmill or a professional tree service to verify this. Don't rely on the recreational cutters here who's jobs do not require them to correctly identify tree species.
Attached is 2 pictures of some Red Elm I have waiting to be split. Identification has been verified by me, and the tree service I received it from, as Red Elm. Notice the similar colored heartwood, bark, and the thin sapwood just like what you see in Doubledip's pictures? It is NOT walnut.