I appreciate your input, unfortunately after considering all options for a second stove I was told it's not happening. I have apperently cut all the holes I am permitted in the new house, at least for this year. I think it has been decided that with heat being the priority we'll have to forego the oven.Our house is about half the the square footage of you and we are using a wood cookstove as our primary cooking appliance for six months out of the year, and occasional use in cooler spring and fall weather. I think we burned into June this year, but definitely not every day. Our cookstove also preheats our domestic hot water. In your house I think the stove you already have combined with a cookstove would be plenty. Both of our stoves together are just over 3 cubic feet of capacity, you would be looking at a bit over 4 cubic feet combined. This year has been so mild I still haven't lit our "heat" stove. Today and yesterday were fairly cold, but we didn't feel like moving the stuff from around the Morso and just kept the cookstove going all day. When it's mild or the Morso is handling heating duties usually I just light the cookstove two or three times a day rather than keep it going.
A cookstove, no matter the efficiency, won't heat the house as well as a normal wood stove. The heat output will be noticeably softer and at least half of the energy is going into the oven, and a lot of that heat is in turn lost to the flue when the fire goes out.