I know we are all biased in favor of wood stoves, but frankly wood stoves usually leave a lot to be desired as a means of heating if we are honest about it. It is spot heating that tends to be uneven around a dwelling compared to forced air or forced hot water heating. The fuel burns out an leaves the dwelling cold until the fire is rebuilt and time is given for a dwelling to heat up again ---while a gas, oil or central heating system can go on for days maintaining even heating without paying attention to it.
Needless to say, wood stoves often take a lot of labor to cut, split, dry, retrieve wood, build fires, take out ashes and so on.
I could go on, but you get the idea.
Personally, I like my wood stove for heating despite all it's limitations. I can get wood for no cash outlay, and I like building fires. Heating with wood for me is a minor adventure in my life, while switching on the gas furnace is easy but boring.
The best heat from a wood stove is when you are cold and can stand in front of it and absorb that radiant heat directly! I suspect human beings got used to that around campfires for several hundred thousand years, and we are still programmed to like it! THAT I'd say is the best kind of heat from a wood stove, whatever other limitations it may have!