The answer STOVE might not, but the Answer insert version would, and it would also be a very appropriate stove for your needs.
Getting heat to flow out of the side portion of that fireplace doesn't seem like a good thing to be counting on. Rhonemas is thinking exactly the same as I am. A convection stove of some sort will heat better and overheat the small room less.
I know this from experience. My parents had a good size coal stove in a room similar in size to yours for a lot of years. In order for the heat to get upstairs the room the stove was in needed to always be in the mid 80's. Not very comfortable in the middle of winter.
By contrast, my insert with a blower heats my whole house reasonably well.
Another blower story was my sister having had an Answer insert for years added a blower mid-last year and claimed that the blower improved the effectiveness of the stove by a huge factor. The stove wasn't putting out any more heat, but rather the heat was being moved more efficiently.
In your situation your goal is to simply move the heat as effectively as possible and that heat movement to your upstairs is convection heat, thus a convection stove is the best bet.
Getting heat to flow out of the side portion of that fireplace doesn't seem like a good thing to be counting on. Rhonemas is thinking exactly the same as I am. A convection stove of some sort will heat better and overheat the small room less.
I know this from experience. My parents had a good size coal stove in a room similar in size to yours for a lot of years. In order for the heat to get upstairs the room the stove was in needed to always be in the mid 80's. Not very comfortable in the middle of winter.
By contrast, my insert with a blower heats my whole house reasonably well.
Another blower story was my sister having had an Answer insert for years added a blower mid-last year and claimed that the blower improved the effectiveness of the stove by a huge factor. The stove wasn't putting out any more heat, but rather the heat was being moved more efficiently.
In your situation your goal is to simply move the heat as effectively as possible and that heat movement to your upstairs is convection heat, thus a convection stove is the best bet.