I have a wind problem. We live on a plain and the wind is commonly a sustained 10-20 mph. (Yes, it sucks) It causes the flue to draft much harder, making the stove get hotter than I want. It's 75-80 in the house when the wind blows unless I open windows.
Does anyone have experience with different types of caps to reduce wind induced draft? I have an Excel chimney and was considering adding the Rain/Wind Shield. However, their claim is that it INCREASES draft by 40% in the wind. Not exactly what I want. I think that's a misleading statement though. I'm thinking it increases draft in situations where you have a problem with negative draft, but decreases draft when you have my issue. A buffering effect basically. Anyone with real life experiences?
Flue height is the minimum recommended for the stove. Stove is a King. Not particularly interested in a damper.
Does anyone have experience with different types of caps to reduce wind induced draft? I have an Excel chimney and was considering adding the Rain/Wind Shield. However, their claim is that it INCREASES draft by 40% in the wind. Not exactly what I want. I think that's a misleading statement though. I'm thinking it increases draft in situations where you have a problem with negative draft, but decreases draft when you have my issue. A buffering effect basically. Anyone with real life experiences?
Flue height is the minimum recommended for the stove. Stove is a King. Not particularly interested in a damper.