I hear ya. I don't push myself over the threshold like I used to. Back in the 90's I was into racing mountain bicycles, then I got into racing road bicycles. Talk about pushing yourself to the limit, I did it. It was nothing to ride the bike 20 miles to work, work a full 8hr shift, ride the bike home 'the long way', eat like a hog (I was packing around 5000+ calories in a day!) go to bed, get up and do it again. Saturdays and Sundays consisted of 80 to 100 mile rides, unless there was a fairly local race. Late fall into winter, weight room every day after work, for 2 hours or more. I really was into the fitness, I lived it like a madman. After the mountain bike, I hit the weights hardcore. I still lift but not like I used to. I was in super shape till the kids came along (No, I don't regret it one bit. My kids are my world). I do miss the fitness lifestyle, and want to get back into it at a realistic level here soon. But I don't wanna miss ONE THING with my kids. I'm having more fun being a father and husband, and this wood-burning obssession is quite fun too.