I'm sure if you asked my husband, he could give you a long list of weird things I do but here is a few I'll readily admit to:
1- It's not enough to just have stacks of newspaper in the bin. I actually unfold them, make smaller sections, refold them and put them back in the stack. This way, when I need paper, I can just grab a few pages, not the entire section.
2- if I bring a few more pieces of wood in the house than I needed, when I bring more in for the next day, I take the day before wood, out of the rack and stack the new stuff in then re-stack the day before wood on top. First in, first out even if its just one day
3- I keep all the little bits if soap (when a bar gets down to chips) in a knee high stocking tied in a slip knot at the band, in the laundry room. When I need to get a stain out, I just wet it and scrub it out with my little weird stocking of soap. I think I picked this up from my granny, she lived everyday as if it was still the depression, wasted nothing!