I can't keep up with Zap

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Thanks, nice story, I didn't burn wood in Texas where I grew up. I was 40 when I moved to Virginia bought house with an old steel stove, was all we had for about 18 yrs, then about 2 yrs ago bought acentral heat and air unit and last winter got my first $475.00 elect bill it had never been above $90.00 before. Did some insulating bought new stove and discovered this site, I will just get by somehow with the wood I have this year. I already have wood stacked and drying for next season. My wife cai't figure it out I have wood everywere. Even have a woodshed got the idea from this site.
When trying to decide which stove to buy I read many reviews, they were all saying the same (likes dry wood) no mater what brand it was so I am abeliever.

Thanks again

Cpt, it sounds like you will do just fine. You no doubt have read about getting something like pallets to mix in for your first year go help get you through. There are some other things you can do but have probably came across those ideas already. Good luck and hopefully no more of those high electric bills.

Sometimes I wonder just how much we have saved over the years by cutting and burning our own wood? That might be interesting to know but would be difficult to figure.
[Hearth.com] I can't keep up with Zap
Took this old dog forever to learn how to post pictures so I throw one in ever so often so I wont forget.


  • [Hearth.com] I can't keep up with Zap
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Yes, you can teach an old dog new tricks! Nice shed and the Lone Star sets it off very nicely.
Backwoods Savage said:
Sometimes I wonder just how much we have saved over the years by cutting and burning our own wood? That might be interesting to know but would be difficult to figure.

Hey Dennis - it is kind of hard to calculate by dollars with the ever changing prices, so I have gone to "replaces xxx of energy". In other words, for me, my wood burning replaces ~1000 gal of propane per year. It is a quantifiable measurement that basically can be adjusted for local pricing. It catches people off guard and you can instantly see the wheels turning.
Looks Great Dennis!!!!

I am not in any of your league's yet. I have to cheat to try to catch up!!!!! This is the first year I can remember that I should have enough wood for the entire year. And am really looking forward to getting 2-3 years ahead. But at this point I may have enough wood to start next year with but not much.

Did you put osb under the tin? When we had our big barn built they put felt paper and osb under the tin to both keep condensation down and cut down the noise when it is raining. And the 40x80 is quieter than the 12x21 carport we have.


The first building we put up was a cheap carport with a canvas cover. But my brothers never put the canvas on. They screwed 2x4's to the tubes for stringers and put tin on it. It was made to anchor down to a cement pad but they screwed it down to railroad ties which raised the building some. We put rachet straps between the top of the walls so the snow wouldn't push them out. But so far it has held up three winters UP there.

Its not a good picture but its the best I have. They used 2x6's for the roof stringers just becuase it is easier to hit a sx6 with a screw than a 2x4.

(broken image removed)

Backwoods Savage said:
Well, I did haul some wood today but just from the stack to the new shed. But I can't keep up with Zap on the moving of the wood, but I can stack the ends better. lol

[Hearth.com] I can't keep up with Zap

Just put this shed up this week. Now I will fill it. Some wood and the rest tools. Even room for the car because we intend on finishing off where the carport is and making that into a living room next spring.

[Hearth.com] I can't keep up with Zap

Nice! Getting ready to start milling for a new Barn myself.
That is quite a load you have on that trailer Dennis. What is the load capacity of it? I like it.
Billy, perhaps we should have done that but did not. I'm more concerned about all the acorns falling and sounding like an automatic gun. I might have to put a rubber roof on top.

Jags, the load is rated at 1250. I don't think I've approached that yet but might with green wood.
Dennis I haven't noticed any problems in the shed as far as condensation. In the barn noise is more of a consideration as there is so much roof and we hang out there if its warm and raining.

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