Huskee 22 ton from TSC or Troy-Bilt 27 Ton from Lowes

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I actually don't see a slow cycle time as a safety feature - if anything I think it's a RISK factor...

I help a friend with his wood business, and do a lot of splitting, some using a 20-ton MTD with a ~15 second cycle time, and some using a Super-Split flywheel inertial splitter with a 2-3 second cycle time... My personal 30-ton HF unit also has about a 15 second cycle.

When I'm on the slow machine (and it's still slow, even when short cycling, which I do most of the time) I have plenty of time to zone out and start thinking about other things, and not pay all that much attention to what I'm doing - and sometimes try doing last second position shifts on the wood, since I have plenty of time to work in while waiting for the wedge....

OTOH, the Super-Split is scary-fast, and you are pretty much forced to stay focused on the task at hand, as you don't have TIME to start thinking about other stuff before the cycle is finished and you have to start setting up for the next split...

I suspect if I had a 20-second cycle machine, I'd be falling asleep at the lever waiting for it...

Another item for consideration, and it's a mod that I've occasionally considered trying - All the TSC / Huskee machines I've seen have had "clevis mount" cylinders - where you had a full length beam with the cylinder attaching by a clevis mount at the the cylinder end, and by the moving wedge / pusher mount at the piston end... At least some of the MTD machines I've seen use a "trunnion mount" cylnder where the cylinder attaches by some "ears" that are welded to the base of the cylinder next to the rod, and the beam is that much shorter... The clevis mount is very much an "industry standard" and if you should ever develop a problem with the cylinder, it is something that just about any supplier can sell you a replacement instantly, and in easily interchangeable larger and smaller sizes. OTOH, the trunnion mounts are specialty items - you can only get them from the equipment maker, and probably will be limited to just the size that came on the machine...

Since I have a 30 ton, with an appropriately matched cylinder and pump - it means I still get the 15 second cycle time, because I have a 16gpm pump... I have found that the 30 ton capacity is not really all that useful - my pressure gage says I almost never even go over 2,000psi working pressure when splitting - and am sure I could do just fine with a 20-ton capacity... For a couple hundred dollars, and a few hours work, It would not be hard for me to replace my clevis mount 5" cylinder with a 4" one - this would drop my capacity to 20 tons, but probably also get me down into the 8-10 second cycle time... The idea is tempting....

Adios Pantalones said:
I have the TB 33 ton. Cycle time is slow, but I split alone (yaaa- with nobody else. You know when I split alone- I prefer to be by myself)- so that slow return represents me picking up a new log and loading it. If I'm resplitting a half on there already, then I don't let it return all the way.

I wouldn't mind it a bit faster, but in addition to my working alone, a little slower is a reasonable safety feature to get your $#!t straight. A little haste with one of these suckers will cost you a hand. Well- would cost me a hand, because I start getting stupid after wood processing for 8 hrs.

Oh- and the Honda engine on mine rocks. First pull every damn time.

A hand surgeon just told me he often deals with log splitter injuries. He said the most common reason for the injuries is two people operating the splitter - one loading it and the other operating the control valve. The two get out of sync and that's when fingers and hands get amputated :exclaim: . He said its not as bad when the injury is from the wedge side, fingers can be re-attached. Its the side that supports the log that causes the worst injuries because the amputations are crushed.
Well, all this cycle time discussion would be great, but its not based on the numbers.

Fact is the 35 Ton splitter that Tractor Supply is selling has a cycle time of 14 seconds, the 28 ton is 18 seconds. So the big splitter is actually faster than the smaller splitter even though the 35 ton has a 5" cylinder compared to a 4.5" cylinder on the 28 ton. The difference of course is the pump, which is 16GPM for the 35 ton but only 11GPM for the 28 and the 20 ton. By the way, the 20 ton has a cycle time only 1 second faster than the 35 ton, so that's not much of a discussion either.
I own a 22-Ton Huskee from TSC. I couldn't care less about cycle times long as the wood is being split with no problems. This splitter has split everything I have thrown at it. I purchased it using a coupon at $999. It was laying outside covered in plastic. I would recommend calling another TSC in your area and see if they have it in stock.. Getting a coupon wouldn't hurt either..
CK-1 said:
I own a 22-Ton Huskee from TSC. I couldn't care less about cycle times long as the wood is being split with no problems. This splitter has split everything I have thrown at it. I purchased it using a coupon at $999. It was laying outside covered in plastic. I would recommend calling another TSC in your area and see if they have it in stock.. Getting a coupon wouldn't hurt either..

what coupon did you have?
The problem is there are not many tsc in my area. The one that had the splitter is already 2 hours away. Plus I already have a coupon for lowes for 10% off but it expires on the 15 th I believe. I guess I better make a decision quick.
Thanks for all the help so far. It looks like I can't go wrong with either splitter which is good to hear.
CK-1 said:
You drove 2 hours away and received attitude from the manager. Your a better man than me. I got the coupon from signing up on the emailing list.

I didn't drive the two hours for the splitter, I was visiting in-laws and figured I would check out the TSC, while there and they had the splitter on the lot. I would have bought it had the manager not been an ass. Yeah I just signed up for the mailing and got a $5 off instore or 10% or online purchase, which doesnt help me out much.
u can but it online and use the 10% and have it delivered free to the nearest store.
argus66 said:
u can but it online and use the 10% and have it delivered free to the nearest store.

how? When I click on the splitter online the only option it shows is to check my local store for availability. There is no option to purchase that I can see.
I looked at several splitters, this is the one i bought, can`t beat the price & it works great.



  • [] Huskee 22 ton from TSC or Troy-Bilt 27 Ton from Lowes
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